All shades of yellow gold 585 and 750 tests: price for 1 gram, composition, uses

Today yellow gold is considered to be the most common type of noble metal. But there are some products of the alloy on sale, as the refined material is not strong and hard enough. It cannot be used for jewelry or radio components.

The ligature improves properties of gold, affects the color. In addition, the materials of each species has its own application area, as they differ in characteristics, the ability to withstand the effects of negative external factors. To use the gold alloy correctly, you need to learn more about the characteristics of different samples, physical and chemical properties.

The most popular varieties: 585, 750.

What is yellow gold - the reason for the natural yellow color of nuggets

Gold of yellow colors may actually have a different shade, but the structure of the material makes it look exactly the way people are used to seeing it. The main reason for this is its ability to absorb wave radiation. The only color that remains visible is yellow. All other colors are absorbed. The reason for this is that precious metal differs from other materials in its electronic structure.

The color change is the result of the transition of electrons between different levels, their interaction with photons. It is the electronic system that determines which of the latter will be absorbed and which will not. All this makes up a single system for determining the color of materials.

Nugget ore
The color of the yellow alloy is due to the ratio of copper and silver in its composition

Yellow gold is a classic symbol of power and wealth. The history of appearance

The bright yellow metal quickly gained popularity due to its properties, external qualities. The material with such characteristics was first discovered 3,000 years B.C. It became popular immediately. In the 18th century, the gold mining industry was actively developing. Both earlier and nowadays gold products were considered to be a symbol of prosperity.

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They were used during the burial of important people. They created figurines, jewelry, which were used to accompany the deceased on his last journey (placed in the tomb). Over time gold alloy began to be used to make money.

Today, precious metal is also associated with finance, but it is used in a different form - bullion, valuable coins.

Yellow gold is a classic symbol of power and wealth
Yellow Gold Jewelry

Assays and shades of yellow metal

The composition of yellow gold is varied. Such differences determine the rest of the characteristics of the metal. In this case, the bulk is always directly made up of the precious metal with its characteristic properties, the rest is ligature. A variety of additives:

  • silver;
  • palladium;
  • platinum;
  • nickel;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • lead and even simple iron.

The choice of options is made with the set of properties that the precious metal must have in mind. This is also a determining factor when it comes to knowing the hue of the material. Knowing these differences, the grade is determined.

The most simple in composition are considered low assay (less than 525), and those that contain the maximum amount of gold (marking 750 and above) are called high assay. Somewhere in between are 585 metal And yellow is inherent in all of them. But the difference lies in the shades. They vary from pale yellow (almost white) to deep orange-red. There are green, blue, lemon, pink, purple and blue products.

Assays and shades of yellow metal
Tints of Gold

Table: variety of gold compositions and colors

Existing shades:

ColorContent of precious and non-precious metals
Light with a yellow tint58,57,510,67,7
Bright yellow75,012,212,8
Green58,5 75,041,5 25,0— —— —— —— —— —— —
White58,5 75,028,2 —— 15,9— 7,03,8 2,19,5 —— —— —
Yellow Gold Jewelry

Physical and chemical properties of yellow gold. Advantages and disadvantages

Gold is a soft material. The Mohs hardness index is no more than 3 (on a 10-point scale). In its pure form, the metal can even be cut with a knife and cut into pieces by hand. For this reason, it is not used for jewelry making.

Alloys 750 and 585 are popular. They are better able to withstand the effects of mechanical stress. And jewelry made of alloy 585 is more durable, which is explained by the reduced amount of precious metal in its composition.

Other properties of gold without additives:

  • melting point - 1337.33 ° C;
  • density - 19.32 g/cm3.
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The addition of ligatures changes the characteristics of the gold alloy, making it stronger and more ductile.

The benefits of metal:
- high value;
- investment opportunity;
- long service life;
- low risk of changing properties (the more precious metal in the composition, the less susceptible it is to the action of aggressive chemicals).
Disadvantages include:
- The need for regular maintenance: polishing when there are scratches, cleaning from dirt;
- high price.
Variety of gold compositions and colors
Gold pellets

Wide application of yellow gold

Gold alloy is used in a variety of applications:

  • Gold-plating motherboards and making conductors in electronics, using it as a solder: one of the main reasons for using this precious metal is its resistance to corrosion, which allows currents to pass through it without the risk of changing its properties;
  • application for nuclear research and space development: the metal is used to cover various products, since it is characterized by its inertness, its ability to absorb wave radiation, and the gold alloy also well withstands the effects of high temperatures;
  • metallization of glass for windows: the application of a thin layer of material reduces the intensity of heat loss from the premises in winter, in summer, the coating prevents overheating under the influence of direct sunlight;
  • Dental prosthetics in dentistry: Alloys starting from 585 exhibit antibacterial properties due to the substantial percentage of silver content, this material is strong, it has another difference from other metals - resistance to corrosion;
  • The production of drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis, cancer, arthritis: the precious metal provides an anti-inflammatory effect and normalizes the immune system;
  • Cosmetic beauty industry: the metal of the highest standard (from 18 carats) normalizes intracellular processes, metabolism, blood circulation, promotes the removal of toxins, restores the acidity of the skin;
  • food products and decor: such material is introduced into products in the form of the additive E175;
  • Jewelry industry: the precious metal is mainly used in the production of jewelry, jewelry, alloys 585 and 750 are used to create rings, including wedding rings, as well as earrings, bracelets, pendants, etc.
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Gold 750 tests: how much gold it contains, what colors it can be, the properties of the alloy, use, cost and care rules for products made of it
Conditions and shelf life of edible gold
Edible yellow gold

Interesting: In Switzerland, candies are produced in edible packaging containing the gold additive E175.

Combinability with different shades of stones and gold

Before you buy, it is worth examining more about the material's properties. Yellow gold 585: A diamond chain, gemstone rings and other jewelry looks attractive, with inserts firmly fixed to the metal of this grade. Alloy 750 is less hard, but it is also used to make jewelry with stones. However, more attention should be paid to their fastening. Gold is combined with stones:

  • rubies;
  • citrines;
  • aquamarines;
  • sapphires;
  • grenades;
  • emeralds;
  • Topaz.
Gold Rings
Yellow Gold Rings

The current price of 1 gram of yellow gold. Where you can buy or sell and at what price

Tsewell of precious metals is set by the Central Bank of Russia:

999 999 proof at the Central Bank per 1 gram, rubles.Market value, rubles.Scrap price, rubles.Jewelry stores, rub.

And for yellow 750 gold the price per gram is higher than for metal 585:

Central Bank rate (alloy 999) x 0.75 = 3187.

You can buy jewelry with such parameters in jewelry stores. Here they are also sold when there is a special offer: they buy up the jewelry and give a discount on new items. But more often such goods are sold through pawnshops. You can sell it to a private person through an ad. To compare, in the case of yellow 585 gold The price per gram will be lower:

Central Bank rate (alloy 999) x 0.585 = 2,486.

Gold bars
Yellow gold bars

Which gold is better for jewelry: yellow or red

Features of red products:

  • high hardness;
  • familiar shade;
  • long service life.

When comparing yellow 585 and 750 gold the difference is significant. The advantages of the first of the options:

  • On the hands of the ring looks more attractive (yellow metal is more noble than red);
  • The gem looks better on yellow metal;
  • shades of jewelry is natural.
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USSR gold hallmarks: the history of the 583 Soviet gold hallmark, the reasons for its popularity and the myth of its high quality in jewelry
Types of gold with impurities
Gold rings in different shades

The growing popularity of yellow gold in Russia

The metal is occasionally inferior to white in distribution. An earlier rise in popularity in the West was seen in the days of Princess Diana, when she chose to gold alloy for engagement rings. Today, this metal is back in fashion in Russia. But its popularity is now declining, now growing again.

The reason is to change the design and color scheme of fashion accessories, gadgets.

Top 3 tips for caring, cleaning and storing yellow metal at home

It is possible to maintain the attractiveness of jewelry in the most common, as simple ways as possible:

  • Proper storage: in a box with a separate compartment for each piece of jewelry;
  • There should be a soft backing inside, it will protect the products from damage;
  • From time to time you should wipe rings, bracelets with a lint-free rag soaked in a soap solution.

Video: why yellow gold was not popular in Russia

Consumer reviews of yellow gold jewelry

I gave a 585 ring to my daughter for her 18th birthday, she's been wearing it for 5 years now - no change in appearance. And, as far as I know, she doesn't clean her jewelry that often.

Milena R., Stavropol
Maria T., Moscow

The yellow gold alloy looks very dignified. Compared with white, personally, my skin immediately turns pale when I wear light-colored jewelry. Bright metal adorns me, for every day there are rings 585, but especially like the look of 750 pieces. The color is rich, natural.

I have white alloy rings and earrings as well as classics. Each of them is attractive in its own way. I match my closet, but I've noticed that brightly colored jewelry looks better with white clothes.

Anastasia R., Samara
Nickel in gold jewelry
Gold Jewelry

Lawyer's Commentary

Avanesyan Grisha Karenovich
Avanesyan Grisha Karenovich
Lawyer, head of the law firm "Avanesyan and Co.
Yellow and white gold alloys are two types of metal that differ greatly in properties and appearance. They are united by their composition: both contain the same proportion of yellow precious metal. The price of white gold is higher due to the introduction of platinum and palladium. In terms of its characteristics, this material is also superior to yellow gold. In spite of its advantages, the popularity of the white metal is undulating. From time to time, it decreases, and the alloy gives way to the primacy of yellow, so you should not be guided by fashion trends when choosing.
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