Our editorial team of experts. Experienced people from different branches of business dealing with precious metals. Professionals who helped design the site materials using their knowledge.
Each visitor of our portal can ask a question to any of the experts on a professional topic and get an answer in a short time.
Stanislav Valentinovich Gribanov

Private investor, broker, teacher at the investor school "Our Capital", Moscow, more than 5 years of experience in investments
Teach you how to "no pain" for 1 year on a minimum investment, earn a place to live and collect a financial safety cushion.
Natalya Igorevna Kachanova
Bank consultant on OMS deposits (impersonal bank accounts), their opening, certification, profit making. Work experience in various banks for 14 years.
Not only are ingots beautiful and fashionable, but they are also VAT free!

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Ageyeva

Pawnshop employee, appraiser, lawyer. Work experience of 7 years.
I'll give you a hint toHow not to make a mistake and not to buy a fake!
Shabanov Andrei Semyonovich
Amateur searcher, collector. Has been practicing for more than 25 years.
The rain is like a faithful helper. Seek more and you will find more!

добрый день . Готовы предложить аффинированное серебро . производство ПЗЦМ ,в виде гранул или слитков. Так же периодически формируются партии Золота производства ПЗЦМ и Красцветмет. Работаем с НДС и без НДС. ГИИС. При возникновении потребности готовы к дальнейшему диалогу и сотрудничеству.
Можете ли оценить старинное кольцо по фото? Хотя бы ориентировочно