Gold assay 583: history of gold from the USSR with a star, composition, properties, the secret of popularity and disappearance, the cost of 1 gram today and use today

Today there are many kinds of jewelry made of alloys of different compositions. They differ in the breakdown. The modern options are: 375, 500, 585, etc. Among them, there is no longer mentioned the variant that corresponded to the standard USSR - 583 gold hallmark. Despite the gradual transition to other types of products, many people still have jewelry from those times.

Such jewelry has its own advantages and disadvantages. But the transition from the most common hallmark in the post-Soviet countries (583) to the European quality standards (585) was connected not with the characteristics of the precious metal, but with the changes in the structure of the state, which required transformations in all spheres, including jewelry.

Gold of the USSR - 583 sample with a star, what is the value

Sample is a numerical designation given to a precious metal when determining the content of its components. Items 583 corresponded to the gold standard adopted in the USSR. The assay was introduced during the transition to the metric system of assaying (in 1927). This made production easier: most items had a similar composition, the decorations differed mainly in their hue.

The bulk of the alloy was gold (58.3%), with the rest being a ligature.

583 gold hallmark
The famous Soviet standard - 583-proof gold

Today you can come across a piece of jewelry with a star. They do not have a modern hallmark. But there is still a branding on the back of the items - a five-pointed star, with a hammer and sickle on the inside. This is what a Soviet 583-proof ring looks like. One should not immediately suspect a fake.

Items of this type are authentic, but somewhat outdated. Their main value lies in the characteristics. If there is a star on the ring or bracelet, it means the metal is durable, not prone to tarnishing, lasts a long time, does not lose its appeal.

Table: composition and properties of the alloy

When comparing gold 583 different species, it is noted that the reddish alloy was the most popular. Its composition included copper (a substantial proportion). Despite containing the same amount of precious metal, the alloys differed in their properties:

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525 gold and silver hallmark: composition of metal alloys and range of shades, hallmark properties, application and cost of 1 gram
Density, g/cm3Gold alloy composition, %Gold alloy composition, %Gold alloy composition, %

Colors of Soviet gold alloys

The difference between metals of the same category (gold 583) is significant, and it consists mainly in shades:

The color of the gold alloyLigature content,%
YellowCu 33.7 + Ag 8
GreenCu 11.7 + Ag 30
RedCu 41.7
PinkCu 32 + Ag 9.7
Pink and yellowCu 22.7 + Ag 19
LemonCu 11.5 + Ag 30.2
WhiteCu 3 + Ag 11 + Ni 25 + Zn 2.7

The amount of gold in the table is the same for each case - 58.3%.

583 gold
583 gold rings

Star branding, how it looks, history of origin, what it means

Today, gold 583 is not used for mass production of jewelry, otherwise it would be possible to find the appropriate mark on it. Its main distinguishing mark is the star-shaped stamp. Earlier (before 1958) another marking was used - the head of the worker with a hammer. The hallmark was changed, after which it quickly became recognizable.

It is a star containing a sickle and hammer, which means belonging to the Soviet Union, as the main elements of the coat of arms are inside the assay.

At the same time the marking of the Assay Office changed. Cyrillic letters began to appear on the decorations of those times.

583 proof in gold and carats

Alloy containing 58.3% of precious metal can get different designations, 583 gold assay with an asterisk is not the only option. The properties remain the same, but the branding changes. A different combination of numbers may appear on the metal - according to the carat system. With the help of the table, it will be easy to find out the deciphering of the designations as well spooner systems:


Important: The highest values correspond to a greater amount of precious metal, which means that as the proportion of gold decreases, so does the value of the product.

Star branding, how it looks, history of origin, what it means
Star branding

The Mystery of the Popularity of the Star-Spangled Assay

Soviet 583-gold, like many other things of that era, was monumental and was created to last for many years. This also applied to jewelry. Earrings, chains, rings, bracelets, watches, sets jewelry etc. - They corresponded to GOST, the technological process of production was not violated.

The share of marriage was minimal, practically tending to zero. In addition, gold 583 had many advantages. The main advantage was considered to be the long service life of products. This was due to its high hardness and resistance to mechanical stress.

As a result, earrings and rings did not change their appearance. This can be said about the products of different colors - white, yellow, etc. But the numerous advantages would not have mattered much if the price had been high. The price of a troy ounce of gold during the Soviet Union was 200-300$.

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Popular 585 gold hallmark - good or not: how it looks, formula of ideal alloy composition in percentage, use of precious metal, choice and care of it
Gold jewelry from the Soviet era
Precious jewelry from the Soviet era

The reason for changing the hallmark to 585. Which is better. The first GOST for gold

First of all, it is necessary to understand where the number 583 came from, if other assay systems used alloys with a similar composition, but a different designation - 585. In this case, the translation between systems plays a key role. Features of the calculations:

  • when it is based on Carat system, take into account the content of the precious metal in the alloy, the conventional unit is 1/24th part (where 24 is pure gold), if we consider the peculiarities of piercing based on the metal 14 caratsIt turns out that such an alloy contains 14 parts of pure gold, as a result of simple calculations determine the content of precious metal - 583.33333;
  • if the obtained value is converted back to carat systemIf, however, it turns out that the amount of gold will be lower (13.9, not 14), this error is the main reason why the international community has refused to recognize the metal of this species.

The peculiarity of this situation is that the allowable deviation - 0.3% (remedium) - is taken into account in the calculations. As a result, the 583 assay appeared in the USSR. For this purpose, the value corresponding to the amount of gold in 1000 g of the alloy was rounded down.

By comparison, in other countries where the metric system was in effect, the rounding was upwards.

The transition to European standards became possible after the collapse of the USSR. At the same time, the 583 assay lost its relevance, there was a transition to 585. This was prompted by the situation on the foreign market: Soviet gold was rejected and accepted at the price of scrap. The reason for this was a mismatch between the samples.

Soviet-era 585 gold jewelry
Gold earrings of Soviet era 585 proof

When there was a transition from the 583 to 585 gold assay, the remedium had to be taken into account as well, since it could be stipulated upwards. Because of this, when the gold content was determined, a metal containing 58.9% of the precious component could get a grade, but a piece with 58% could not.

The importance of remedium accounting increases when the count goes to kilograms. For example, the fluctuation between the amount of gold 586 and 580 kg is significant. As a result, as early as 1994. 583 was changed to 585. However, the corresponding transformations in the branding system were not made. The old samples were still marked. Only closer to 2000 the stamps corresponding to the characteristics of the metal appeared on all items.

To regulate the production of jewelry from gold alloy The basis is taken from normative documents. Today the composition of alloys is defined by GOST 30649-99. Earlier, among the first normative documents was GOST 17234-71. It contains calculations to determine the gold content, including in the 583 alloy.

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USSR gold hallmarks: the history of the 583 Soviet gold hallmark, the reasons for its popularity and the myth of its high quality in jewelry

Table: Let's compare alloys, which is better: 583 or 585

There is a difference between metals containing 58.3% and 58.5% gold, but it is insignificant. The main features are:

Non-compliance with the standard carat system - 14 carats0,01
Amount of goldThe metals are at the same level, this despite the difference in gold content. The reason for this is remedium. In nickel-based 585 alloys, the permissible deviation from the standard is more substantial, so the amount of pure gold contained in the alloy may actually be less   
ColorRedWhite, yellow
Wear resistanceHighModerate
Soviet-era 585 gold
Soviet-era 585 gold ring

Using 583 gold then and today: pros and cons

If previously the precious metal containing 58.3% of gold was used to make a variety of jewelry (women's, men's), today it is not used to create jewelry products. But it is possible to buy/sell them. And most often the jewels are previously used (used).

Previously, the material containing 58.3% of gold was relatively inexpensive, durable, and therefore in demand. Today, in order to control the cost of precious items, standards are being changed. If once it was customary to buy wide rings of great thickness, weighing more than 5 grams, today the values of all major parameters have been simplified.

For example, the metal has become thinner, serving less. In addition, the average weight of the item is 2.5 grams. Heavier jewelry can also be purchased if desired, but price will be higher. The rings are available in 4.9g, 3.72g, 9.52g, etc. The advantages of the 583 gold that were relevant before:

  • attractive appearance;
  • unlimited service life;
  • low price;
  • high quality.
Gold Jewelry
Soviet jewelry

To the disadvantages of operation can be attributed a small number of design options. Standard design options were often used. Today, such products are still popular among connoisseurs. This is due to the advantages of gold 583 with the consideration of modern realities:

  • long service;
  • every product of that time has its own story;
  • minimal care.
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The disadvantage is the need to periodically restore the surface. In addition, almost all models cannot be called current, they belong to the rarities.

Stones with 583 gold

Some items were in particular demand:

  • with corundum, a pinkish, reddish stone, is particularly prized today;
  • A ring with a cabochon stone (made using a special processing technique);
  • ruby jewelry;
  • alexandrite;
  • amber;
  • pearls;
  • diamond.

The most popular jewelry contains stones in lilac, pink, burgundy and brown. This choice was conditioned by the peculiarities of the mining industry of that time. In addition, red gold was the best match for colored stones in the past.

Where can I find jewelry made of 583 carats today. How to sell Soviet gold profitably

You should look for rarity jewelry in pawnshops, catalogs of Internet resources, in buy-outs, antique stores. Often the right item can be found abroad. If the seller is in another country, it is important to solve the question of converting the currency (Uzbek, Belarusian and other currencies) into rubles. Here are the main ways to sell jewelry from those times:

Where to buy, where to sellPrice, rubles.
Internet resources (Avito, Gang, etc.)6-40 thous.
Antiquariansfrom 1.5 thousand/gram
Pawnshopabout 2.7 thousand/gram

Different organizations offer services for the purchase of jewelry from the Soviet Union at their own cost, which may differ significantly from the regional average. The price is influenced by the condition of the items.

Pawnshop Jewelry
Gold Jewelry

Price of 1 gram of gold on the exchange and cost calculations for 583 samples

To determine the price of obsolete alloy, consider the current state of the economy. The table shows 1 gram price gold today, set by the Central Bank, as well as the average in the market, for scrap and in stores:

Central Bank of Russia (999 proof)Cost in the marketScrapJewelry stores
3,886 rubles.2260 rubles.2039 rubles.4080

Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of jewelry made of higher-value alloys, while 583 pieces remained unclaimed. To determine the price of 1 gram of this metal, you need to know the value of the material 585. Then this value is divided by 1000, multiplied by 583, you get an approximate price.

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999 gold and silver: the properties of the highest grade, the formation of prices in the international market, the use of metals, recommendations for choice and care

Popular Soviet-era products

Previously, and now some of the ornaments of the USSR are more in demand, although they belong to the category of rare products:

  • A classic ring with a pearl;
  • Marquise ring (contains a gemstone);
  • "Tulip" - can be purchased inexpensively, but you should be careful, under the guise of gold in this product can be a fake (an alloy containing no precious metals);
  • "samovarchiki", "kalachi" are folk names for decorations that were previously common;
  • pendants by zodiac signs.

How to choose jewelry in 583

The main criteria that are taken into account:

  • need to look at the sample - 583, the presence of a star;
  • should examine the appearance: the metal is often rich yellow or red, the difference in shades may indicate a change in the ratio of ligature during manufacture, jewelry often has flaws (scratches, scuffs);
  • Visually assess the design - most often it is outdated.
USSR ring
USSR 583 gold ring

Top 5 tips for caring for USSR gold

Recommendations that allow you to increase the life of the jewelry:

  1. Soaking: take 1 cup, 3 tablespoons of salt, leave the products for 12 hours.
  2. Application of the soda solution. At the bottom of a container of chemically neutral material put foil, put the ornament on it, pour the soda solution. After 12 hours, wash it.
  3. We recommend that you clean your jewelry using a soapy solution.
  4. A lint-free material is used to remove moisture.
  5. For polishing purposes, the purchase of GOI paste is recommended. The polishing method is not applicable to stones. The paste should be used with caution on metal parts of the jewelry.

Question and answer section

Is Soviet gold getting darker?

Opinion of an expert
Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich
6th class jeweler
Changing the color of gold alloy is a normal phenomenon, which is due to the presence of chemical active components in the composition. But the conditions under which it happens are different. Soviet jewelry changes color, but products made of the 583 alloy change color less frequently than others.

Where do the stains on my fingers come from?

Opinion of an expert
Mikhail Petrovich Grishanov
Jeweler, Director of Grishanov & Co.
Darkening of the skin is a consequence of the interaction of substances in the composition of the metal with the cosmetic agent. In addition, a similar effect is provided when the product is contaminated with polishing material (for example, immediately after purchase).

Omen about the stripe on the cheek

Opinion of an expert
Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich
6th class jeweler
The most famous omen is associated with a blush on the cheeks. It is believed that those around you are gossiping, discussing. You can check if this is true by running a gold ring down your cheek. A dark streak will remain - gossip behind the back, a light streak will appear - good intentions of those around you.

Video: Soviet gold 583. Review


I had my grandmother's ring repaired, and they said it was beyond repair - it had been restored more than once. I took it to the meltdown, made a new one for myself, I wear it now, but the color is confusing - closer to red-yellow, reminiscent of a rarity.

Anastasia R., Samara
Raisa K., Omsk

There are quite a few old gold houses left from those times. After the death of loved ones, I decided to sell them. I got a lot of money (I took it to a pawnshop), I did not think that these items are valued today. I heard they are distinguished by their composition.

Soviet jewelry doesn't suit everyone. For example, I have no things in my closet that would look good with them. For this reason, I gave my rings and brooches to be melted down, but did not keep them for myself. I made a good amount when I sold them, but several places didn't want to accept the metal.

Anya L. Moscow

Jeweler's comment

Molokanov N.M.
Molokanov N.M.
Jeweler, experience in jewelry manufacturing 26 years.
The difference in the cost of Soviet jewelry then and now is substantial. The production cost of the European gold alloy jewelry is 4-5 times higher. This has determined the quality of the present-day precious metal of the low and medium price category; it has deteriorated so much that the rings are wearing out after several years of intensive wear. I advise to buy more expensive items at once.
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    Покупала на выставке комплект жёлтого (лимонного) золота. Носила редко. Кольцо не изменилось, а на серьгах проявился медный оттенок. В чем дело, почему на кольце таких изменений нет? Комплект современный.
