How to pawn gold at a pawnshop without repayment: what is a pawnshop, where else you can pledge gold without redemption, what does and does not accept a pawnshop, the procedure for transferring gold on credit and without collateral, how to pawn with a return, where unredeemed gold goes

A visit to a pawn shop - one way to get money quickly. The amount you need is issued immediately after acceptance and evaluation. The procedure takes little time and the result is reliable (no need to worry about selling). A fairly high rate is also offered when buying precious scrap. If the pledged item is not needed, you should learn how to surrender gold to a pawnshop without returns. This will allow you to quickly get rid of items that have not been used for a long time.

Where you can sell the gold and get the money immediately with or without a refund

In order to raise money for urgent purchase or treatment, you can consider selling jewelry, but it will take a lot of time. If there is no possibility of a long wait, one applies for a loan, for which one considers pawnshops. There are also buy-backs. For this, you need to have some assets: jewelry, investment/collection coins, other valuable items. The choice of the option is made taking into account the initial data and conditions of work of the organization.


Not the fastest way to get money. When you go to a thrift store, the item is surrendered on the terms that are announced by the seller:

  • funds can only be received after the transaction has been completed;
  • for the provision of services (the ability to sell in the store) is charged a commission - up to 30% of the value of the item;
  • There are a number of prohibitions: it is forbidden to sell weapons, jewelry, household chemicals, hygiene products, and cosmetics;
  • you must have your passport with you.

The innovations have been in effect since 2021.

Appraiser in a pawnshop
Determining the authenticity of jewelry in a pawnshop


Compared with microfinance organizations, the bank has many advantages:

  • provision of guarantees (an agreement is signed);
  • acceptable interest rate;
  • long repayment period (depends on the amount of the loan).

But it's not always possible to get money when you go to the bank. There are many reasons for refusing an application:

  • Bad credit history or no credit history (for example, if the documents were submitted by a student);
  • A low salary, which may raise doubts about the client's ability to repay the loan;
  • The amount requested is too large, and the reason for the request is not weighty enough, etc.

Collectors, antique dealers

It is customary to take antique gold jewelry to a pawnshop. Before you should consider turning in an antique store or private collectors (but only proven, they turn to them on recommendation). Such jewelry, if properly evaluated can be worth more. But there are a lot of factors that influence the appraisal of a piece, and if more of them do not meet the specified requirements, the value of the gold piece goes down.

Often, unscrupulous antique dealers deliberately reduce the value of jewelry, which allows them to sell it later at a bargain price. Sometimes the amount that is voiced after the appraisal is dozens of times less than the real value, but the client does not suspect about it. It is necessary to contact several antique dealers to determine which option corresponds to reality and is more profitable.


There is no way to pawn gold jewelry. Private pawnshops have their own rules: they accept items on condition that the purchase is made. Returns are not provided. The advantage of this method of obtaining money is the speed. Funds are issued immediately on the spot after receipt, evaluation of things. The offered value can be different. It partly depends on the changes in the price of the precious metal on the market, but more often it is determined individually by the particular organization. The disadvantage of visiting a buying place is the risk of falling for crooks.

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Is it possible to surrender silver in a pawnshop: for how much and whether they accept 925 hallmark, the principle of operation, determining the price, the procedure for concluding an agreement


To avoid waiting until the solvency of the borrower is evaluated or the item is sold, one goes directly to a pawnshop. Here they accept old and new items, even those with tags. They have their own name - scrap gold. And there is a possibility to pass a diamond jewelry to the pawnshop, or to bring a simpler thing (from silver, without stones, etc.). You can pawn different things that have value. And they are not sold, but left in escrow with the possibility of return. But if you want a thing stays in the pawnshop forever. Its fate is determined by the conditions of the organization.

Where and how you can buy gold 56

The principle of pawnshops. The distinction from buying up

It is recommended to put things in a pawnshop for a certain period of time. This can be one week or one month. If the client does not plan to return the jewelry, you must immediately draw up a contract for a minimum period. You must have a document proving your identity. The transaction takes place immediately on the spot without postponing to other days.

Selling gold at a pawn shop is different from selling it at a pawn shop. The difference is the possibility of getting your item back. A pawn shop eliminates the possibility of such a function. The surrendered precious metal goes to the owner of that organization.

In addition, the pawnshop and buyout have different requirements for the items at the stage of acceptance.

Formalization of the license

The rules that must be followed in the design:

  • the word "pawnshop" is specified in the name;
  • the premises must not belong to the housing stock;
  • the type of activity is chosen, according to No. 196-FZ;
  • Availability of authorized capital - 10,000 rubles;
  • Licensing: the pawnshop must be registered with the Central Bank.

In order to obtain official status, it is necessary to submit an application and pay the state duty. And it is recommended to perform these actions until July 9, 2021, then the organization will not be able to carry out the functions of a pawnshop.

Buying is also coming out of the shadows. In 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on licensing such organizations. They have to apply for inclusion in the register by January 1, 2022.

Pros and cons of pawnshops

The growth in the number of organizations that accept gold indicates the creation of acceptable conditions for working with them.

The advantages of pawnshops:
the ease with which the contract can be drawn up;
High speed of all operations: what takes half a day at the bank, the pawnshop performs in minutes;
There are several schemes for surrendering/redeeming jewelry;
The borrower's personal data (age, employment, credit history) are not taken into account.
There are also disadvantages, and they are weighty:
high interest rate;
a lower price per gram of gold than the market average.

Two types of depositing gold in a pawnshop

Organizations that offer opportunities to buy precious metals, work on two main schemes:

  • providing funds against security;
  • a collateral-free transaction, technically it has another name - sale and purchase.
Read also
Is it possible to buy gold in a pawnshop for yourself: the range of products, the pros and cons of buying, methods of purification of used gold and the rules of wearing other people's jewelry

On bail

You can get a loan by providing a valuable item (for example, gold) instead of collateral. Before the amount is disbursed, an appraiser examines the item and determines not only its condition but also its composition. Given this information, the client is offered a certain amount. Based on the initial data is determined by the term for which the loan is granted. At the end of it, the borrower undertakes to pay interest for gold storageand then he will be able to pick it up.

Two types of depositing gold in a pawnshop
Bail gold jewelry

If the client is currently unable to repay the debt, the pawnbroker may grant an additional period - no more than 1 month. After that there will also be an opportunity to return the item. If the funds are not returned, the jewelry is sold.

Without bail

No collateral is provided, the pawnbroker redeems the gold at a rate higher than that of the collateral transaction. It is appraised as scrap precious metal. In this case, a contract of sale is drawn up. The item is immediately transferred to the ownership of the pawnshop.

Which is more profitable

There are disadvantages to each of the schemes:

  • collateral: a lower rate is offered, as a result the loan amount may be less than expected;
  • no collateral: no possibility to return the gold.

In the first case, you can return the gold jewelry after some time, which will avoid losses, but will have to pay interest on its maintenance as collateral property. In the second case (in a collateral-free transaction), the client of the pawnshop is deprived of his gold. This alone already puts him at a loss, even if a slightly larger sum was received due to the sale of the jewelry. This kind of transaction provides a short-term benefit, nothing more.

What does a pawnshop accept

If precious metals are considered, you can pledge jewelry, coins, orders. And the proof does not matter. Pawnshops usually work with items that belong to the low-profile, high-profile category: from 333 to 999 (the minimum weight of the product - 0.1 grams). It is not necessary to have a brand. The main condition is that they contain a sufficient quantity of the jewelry alloy. Other precious objects that are accepted:

  • antiques;
  • watches, other high-value accessories;

Not all pawnshops appraise inlays on jewelry. In this case, if the item has a stone (fianite, topaz, diamond, etc.), their weight will be deducted from the weight of the item after evaluation.

Gold Jewelry

What you can't turn in

When a person pawns certain items, he can get into trouble because some items are forbidden to surrender. Pawn shops that operate officially (have a license) will not accept them. List of prohibited items:

  • medals with precious metals;
  • gold leaf;
  • jewelry blanks;
  • dentures, elements from them;
  • precious metal for industrial use;
  • fine gold waste (shavings, etc.);
  • nuggets, ingots, wire, gold schlich.
Read also
Is it possible to buy gold in a pawnshop for yourself: the range of products, the pros and cons of buying, methods of purification of used gold and the rules of wearing other people's jewelry

Gold surrender procedure

All actions are performed in front of the owner of the pledged property. This is due to the fact that before the signing of a loan or purchase and sale agreement, the jewelry belongs to the client. It is necessary to understand how to pledge gold in a pawnshop, the main stages of the procedure:

  • Discussion of the terms of the gold transfer (sale or pledge, %, return period): all clauses of the contract or the client is informed about the main points regarding the interest rate, 1 gram The scheme of cooperation with the pawnshop is chosen at once;
  • Passport and product: to obtain a loan is sufficient to have an identity document (sometimes, instead of a passport is allowed to provide a driver's license, passport), if all conditions are satisfied, you can proceed to the evaluation of the product;
  • inspection and determination of the sample: using reagents or special equipment to determine the composition of the metal, if it meets the standards, the application for a loan may be approved, but it is important to make sure that the product is not deformed, it has no major damage;
  • accurate weighing: jewelry not less than 0.1 g is accepted, as it is difficult to estimate smaller items, the accuracy of weighing is 0.01 g;
  • Determining the maximum possible amount: given all the background data, the pawnbroker calls the amount of the loan, and it is unlikely to be possible to increase it by persuasion;
  • Signing the contract: an acceptance certificate of the pledged property is drawn up and signed by the client and a representative of the pawnshop, and the contract (2 copies) is also drawn up;
  • study the main points of the agreement, which will avoid misunderstandings and unpleasant surprises in the future;
  • issuance of money and a security ticket: when a sale transaction is made, the client receives only the funds, but if a loan is arranged, a security ticket is issued, which must be kept.

It is more profitable to sell/sell items that have been prepared for appraisal. They should be cleaned of dirt, and can be polished with non-abrasive agents to add luster.

In order to get the pledged goods back without problems, the contract must be drawn up correctly. It should also be read carefully before signing. The main points of the agreement:

  • the exact date of the redemption deadline;
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • the amount of the penalty (interest on the use of funds);
  • type of product, its parameters;
  • accrual of interest for late deposit of funds, penalties;
  • conditions for the transfer of the pledged property into the ownership of the pawnbroker.
Factors in the price of gold
Determining the value of gold jewelry in a pawnshop

Factors in the price of gold

When determining the value of jewelry, many parameters are taken into account. But the main one is the content alloy. Some products are accepted on condition of their high artistic value, exclusivity (applies more to accessories).

White Gold practically not considered for the purpose of acceptance, this is due to the fact that it is not easy to determine its composition. If the authenticity of the jewelry is not established, the pawn shop will not be able to provide funds for such a piece. The exception to this is jewelry that was produced using a combination of white and yellow gold. To understand how to accept gold in a pawnshop, it is necessary to study the sequence of actions in more detail. Evaluation criteria for gold jewelry:

  • Assay and grade: make sure that the mark corresponds to the parameters of the product, if not, using special techniques to determine the composition, taking into account this is called the category of gold;
  • integrity of the product: if the collateral is not redeemed, it will be sold as a pawnbroker's property to increase cost jewelry, at the stage of acceptance and evaluation inspect it, determine its condition, integrity;
  • exclusivity, brand: mass-produced items cost less than those that are made to order or are part of closed collections of jewelry houses;
  • historical value: if the product is an antique, it is evaluated according to other criteria, taking into account its age among the first parameters;
  • Weight without stones: If there is no expert qualified to evaluate the inserts on jewelry, the pledged property will be accepted without regard to the weight of the stones;
  • redemption period: the duration of the period may vary, but most often it is 5-30 days;
  • Loyalty card, reputation: the level of trust of such borrowers is much higher, the more often a person goes to the pawnshop and makes timely contributions to the debt, the lower the interest rate for the next appearance, and the amount to be handed out will be higher.
Read also
Return of jewelry: the law, when it is possible/impossible to return jewelry to the store, pawnshop, requirements, return procedure, terms of refund

Is it possible not to redeem the bail

When applying to a pawnshop there is no rule of compulsory redemption of pledged property. Several cases are noted:

  • The gold will go to the pawnshop if the borrower has not expressed a desire to redeem it;
  • the item will wait for a period of time (if the owner has warned of the delay or there is no communication with him), with increased interest accrued;
  • the thing is not returned at the end of the redemption period, if the owner has not contributed to the accrual of penalties, according to the terms of the contract.

In order not to have to return the amount that is several times the value of the jewelry, it is better to know in advance how to pass the gold in the pawnshop with the return, as well as to provide for the possibility of finding funds in the future and return the product.

Gold plated jewelry
Gold-plated Jewelry

What happens to collateral if it is not applied for

Lombard provides for the possibility of resale jewelrywhich have not been claimed by their owners. It is considered correct to immediately warn the employees of the organization that there is no possibility of redeeming the item. When leaving the pawnshop, it is necessary to prepare for the subsequent actions that will be performed with the jewelry:

  • sale in jewelry stores: if the thing is well-preserved, after cleaning and polishing it can be sold, such stores are owned by pawnshop owners, they usually sell things (quite expensive, as for second-hand items), which have not been returned to the owner, but the price is still lower compared to the new jewelry;
  • Auctions for name-brand jewelry: Such events and organizations, which function on a permanent basis, are also most often the result of pawnshop activities; they allow you to sell expensive branded jewelry, and there are also more renowned organizations that conduct such auctions;
  • selling scrap to factories: items that have lost their appeal, are broken, but contain a substantial portion of gold, can acquire a second life; scrap precious metals are resold to jewelry factories for remelting.

Pawnshops and Jewelry Companies: the Circle of Gold

If a client plans to sell gold to a pawnshop without a buyback, his or her jewelry or other items will become part of a long chain of turning scrap into new jewelry. Today, the number of such items (in many people's homes and among the assortment of store products) has increased so much that demand no longer generates supply; it's the other way around. The main stages of the cycle:

  • scrap goes to the jewelry factories;
  • from there the new products are sent to stores (Sunlight, Sokolov, etc.);
  • The end point is the consumer.
Read also
Is it possible to buy gold in a pawnshop for yourself: the range of products, the pros and cons of buying, methods of purification of used gold and the rules of wearing other people's jewelry
Return of jewelry

Question and answer section

What to do if there is not enough money for redemption?

Opinion of an expert
Zilbertrud Dmitriy
Lawyer, Legal Bureau "Verdict" Voronezh
Pawnshops may wait to sell items if the owner warns about delays. One must prepare for an increase in the interest rate for this period. This applies to all kinds of items, including the most common (585 proof). It is necessary to seek funds by all means to return the gold, otherwise you can lose it forever, as the maximum period after the extension of the redemption period is 1 month.

The price of gold in pawnshops is the same? How to choose an honest one?

Opinion of an expert
Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich
6th class jeweler
The cost in pawnshops, which have a license from the Central Bank, is about the same with some exceptions. You can choose any of them, but it is better to conclude a contract with organizations that already have a reputation, and a good one at that. It is recommended to study the reviews of pawnshops in your city. Today, users leave their impressions of cooperation with various organizations. Such a system works not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Kazakhstan (Astana and other cities), Belarus, etc.

What documents can I submit other than my passport?

Opinion of an expert
Mikhail Petrovich Grishanov
Jeweler, Director of Grishanov & Co.
Most often a passport is enough. But some of the organizations offer advanced options. You can present your passport, military ID card, or driver's license. To avoid wasting your time on a trip to a place with stricter lending conditions, you should check in advance by phone what documents you will need.

How old can I go to a pawnshop?

Opinion of an expert
Zilbertrud Dmitriy
Lawyer, Legal Bureau "Verdict" Voronezh
Only adult citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a loan against collateral. In this case, none of the organizations make exceptions, since the work of pawnshops today is gradually being brought out of the shadows, all actions can be verified. Some of them even refuse to cooperate with potential clients under the age of 21.
How to surrender gold in a pawnshop without a refund
Gold jewelry and Russian passport

What do I do if I lose my security ticket?

Opinion of an expert
Zilbertrud Dmitriy
Lawyer, Legal Bureau "Verdict" Voronezh
Pawnshops that accept gold as collateral for a loan keep cash books where all receipts must be recorded. If you lose your pawn ticket, you must reapply to the organization that provided the funds. You must have your passport with you.

What else you can surrender at the pawnshop

Real estate is considered as collateral. Other things that are allowed to be pledged:

  • electronics;
  • home appliances;
  • cars.

You can find out what property can serve as collateral when you apply to a certain pawnshop during a phone call. All the nuances are clarified before the visit, which will save time and help you find the right organization. It is important to consider all the restrictions that are imposed when trying to pledge the property.

Read also
Return of jewelry: the law, when it is possible/impossible to return jewelry to the store, pawnshop, requirements, return procedure, terms of refund

Table: pawnshops in your city

 Today, there are organizations everywhere that accept mortgaged property at an acceptable price. It is necessary to select suitable, so that there are no negative consequences in the form of missing gold, etc. Below are some of the organizations in the Russian Federation:

VoronezhPawnshop #1+7(920)413-65-67
Magnitogorsk"Your Pawn Shop"+7(351)930-59-36

Known chain pawnshops

The popularity of large organizations is off the charts. Many choose them because of their fame, which can be a guarantee of the decency of the owners and employees. Some of the best-known network pawnshops are:

  • "Your Pawn Shop;
  • Mosgorlombard;
  • "The Creditor;
  • "Jewels of the Urals.

Recommendations before going to a pawnshop

It is necessary to study the working conditions of the organization. Many of them operate around the clock. It is important to find out when you can get a loan, if there are no restrictions. There are also other recommendations. For example, one should:

  • Promote a favorable price: the cost of 1 gram and the offered interest rates are often in the same range, may differ by a small amount, which also matters, especially if you need to get a relatively large amount;
  • ask for a license, find out the reputation: it is necessary to study the information about the organization, this will make sure that its activities are legitimate, which reduces the risk of fraud;
  • read the agreement, keep your copy of the agreement: when you sign the agreement, one copy remains in the pawnshop, and the other is given to the client, you should keep it, as well as the pawn ticket, these documents will help you get your gold when there are funds to redeem it;
  • Observe the weighing: all manipulations during the examination of jewelry should be performed in front of the client, it guarantees a fair assessment, the owner must make sure that the items have been weighed with sufficient accuracy (an error of no more than 0.01 grams is allowed);
  • take a pledge ticket in the case of a loan: if you plan to take a loan with the return of the pledge, you must remember that after the transaction should get a receipt - a pledge ticket, but if you lose it, you can still get your product, for which you must show your passport, the employees themselves will find a record of the loan;
  • Soberly assess their capabilities: many are optimistic when they come to surrender their gold, but few take into account the size of the interest rate, over time a considerable sum accumulates, which is problematic to pay, as funds are not always sufficient, then you have to give up your jewelry.

Video: where you can dispose of gold profitable, getting money

Comments from a pawnshop employee

Ekaterina Ageyeva
Ekaterina Ageyeva
Pawnshop employee, manager
Ask a question
Different potential customers come to us, but more often - adequate ones, of course. Among those who do not belong to this category: there are people who take a magnet with them when they want to buy gold (to check the authenticity), others during the sale of jewelry scandalize at the stage of weighing (not satisfied with the error of the scales), they demand to deduct it from the total amount.
We have never yet had a situation with a discrepancy between the weight and the actual weight. Everything is always accurate, so there are no problems with the inspection authorities. And the appraisers work great, they also try to note all the parameters of the gold item at the stage of acceptance, they do not underestimate the value. But I can't vouch for other pawnshops, so read the reviews about their work.
The author of the article
Raisa Koshman
A chemical technologist by training. She is engaged in manufacturing silver and gold jewelry in her home workshop. She has the 4th category of jeweler.
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