Slich gold: definition, search and refinement method, cost before and after refining

Gold - is a rare metal that has been beloved by people since the dawn of civilization for its appearance and casting qualities. Today let's talk about this kind of metal, such as schlich gold. Let's look at its composition, methods of obtaining and refining, as well as the current cost.

Schlich gold - what is it, definition and characteristics. Origin of the word "schlich"

The gold is a medium or very small grains, placer, big nuggetsThe noun "schlich" itself is of Germanic origin, meaning "concentrate, sediment, precipitation. The noun "schlich" itself is of Germanic origin and means "concentrate, sediment, precipitation.

This kind of precious metal contains a huge amount of impurities, but after all the necessary purification procedures it corresponds to 999.

Alluvial gold
Grains of gold

All the gold just washed at the riverbanks, not past melting и refining, is called schlich. The composition of schlich contains grains of minerals resistant to physical weathering.

Thus, gold bearing raw material - and is the simplest description of schlich. It includes various rocks, stones, dust, sludge, i.e. everything from where the solar metal is obtained.

Stages of the schlich method of gold mining

The schlich method is rightly considered the oldest method of searching precious metal. It is as popular as the dredge method. At a time when gold fever was stirring people's minds, the largest deposits of placer gold were found by washing the schlich of various rocks using the usual washing trays, shovels, persistence and, of course, luck.

The loose rock is processed either to gray schlich, which contains conditionally light minerals, or to black, which is considered the final stage of washing. The final finishing of the material takes place in special trays.

There are several different versions of such trays - Korean, Siberian, Kharitonov and others. The plastic and Korean tray are most often used for work. The raw material from which it is made affects the level of flushing and Retrieved from schlich. Geologists take this factor into account when analyzing the results of schlich searches.

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Stages of the schlich method of gold mining
Slich method of gold mining

The schlich method is recognized as the easiest to implement, as well as the least expensive in exploration geology. It includes the following stages:

  1. Taking samples from deposits. At this stage, the area of interest and soil samples are studied. Sampling takes place from loose upper deposits of almost any geological formations. Geologists pay special attention to alluvium and deposits near rivers.
  2. Clearing the area of unnecessary earth, sand, debris.
  3. Calculating the scale of placers, the approximate assessment of the nearby precious metal.
  4. Approval of the work plan.
  5. Registration of documents. The stage is necessary to carry out excavations in accordance with the law.
  6. Special equipment is brought to the established place, dredging equipment is installed, the apparatus for flushing.

Each stage requires certain knowledge, technology, documentation.

The schlich method solves such problems as direct placer searches and predicting the excavation area by the element-satellite of the precious metal.

Technologies of gold purification (refining)

Gold recovery from the schlich is a painstaking process. It is called RefiningIt is based on differences in the chemical and physical characteristics of metals.

When mined on an industrial scale, the schlich precious metal is transported to refineries in metal containers.

There are three refining technologies:

Electrolytic method

This method is most advantageous for large production volumes and is most commonly used at large refineries. The method consists in the deposition of precious metals on an electrode and consists of two stages:

  1. Dissolving one of the electrodes in aqua regia or hydrochloric acid. Dissolution is accompanied by a current supply.
  2. Deposition of metals on the second electrode. Deposition is observed by layers, the first of which is the most precious metal.

Electrolysis cleaning requires that the crude precious metal has a grade of 950 or higher. Then the procedure will produce gold of maximum purity.

Pre-treatment of gold in nitric acid
Refining - electrolytic method

Wet method

Processing is done by incorporating other metals to activate the process. The method can undergo changes depending on the elements used.

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The wet method is used not only for purification of the solar precious metal, but also for the platinum group metals (platinum, palladium, iridium, etc.). The components are dissolved by contact with aqua regia and then precipitated with various reagents.

The composition of the royal vodka includes saturated hydrochloric acid and nitric acid in a ratio of 3 to 1.

The reagents used for precipitation are ammonium nitrate, iodine, and baking soda. Copper or zinc is used as a leaching agent.

After Cleanup from one kilogram of schlich precious metal is about 10-15% of pure metal.

Technology for obtaining gold from schlichs
Gold placer

Dry refining (chlorine treatment)

This method is also called the "Miller method. It involves treating the ore with chlorine or potassium nitrate. During the reaction, all non-ferrous particles are converted to chlorides and vaporized.

As it passes through the total mass, the chlorine affects the metals that lower the gold grade first, and lastly the solar precious metal itself and the platinum.

An unambiguous advantage of the dry refining method is that the equipment required is minimal and takes up little space. In a few hours of dry refining the purity of the precious metal can be brought to 94-96%.

Disadvantage of the method: The method can only be used with special equipment. The resulting vapors are hazardous if inhaled. This must be taken into account when planning such a process at home.

You can buy the necessary equipment for dry refining in specialized stores for jewelers.

Dry refining (chlorine treatment)
Refining equipment for gold

Low cost of schlich gold

Before the refining procedure, the price of gold schlich is low. This is due to the high content of impurities.

Repeated purification processes allow the highest purity to be achieved. Then such a precious metal will correspond to 999.

Metal sample after purification and its value on the stock market

After purification, the precious metal will correspond to the highest grade. Such a grade is indicated by the number 999 in the metric system or "24K" in the carat system. According to the established GOST standard, it contains 99.9% percent pure gold per gram of total mass.

The price of such metal is set by the Central Bank of Russia on the basis of quotations on the London Stock Exchange.

Today, the current value of the highest standard of gold on the stock market is about 3800-4000 rubles per gram.

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How can you find out the cost of 24K today

Information about the cost of gold is published daily on the official website of Sberbank. Branches of banks also have this information.

You can find out the value by looking at the online exchange. Gold is referred to as "XAU. On the exchange you can follow the changes in quotations in real time.

It is worth bearing in mind that the price set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is only a reference point for jewelry stores and pawnshops. The price of 24K may vary slightly depending on the region where the purchase or sale is made.

Gold-bearing schlich
Grains of gold

Subject: Questions and answers

Where do you search for gold schlich?

Opinion of an expert
Andrei Shabanov
Amateur searcher, has been prospecting for gold for over 14 years
The main gold-bearing areas in Russia are located in the northern and northeastern regions: the Magadan, Amur, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Primorsky, and Transbaikal Territories. But small plots rich in precious metal are found everywhere.

Gold schlich is sought among rocks, soil and clay sampled from the banks of rivers and streams. The precious metal enters the river itself after landslides or under the pressure of its own weight. When it is found in the river, gold diggers go upstream to sample it.

Is it possible to wash a nugget in schlich sand?

Opinion of an expert
Andrei Shabanov
Amateur searcher, has been prospecting for gold for over 14 years
Small nuggets can be found in schlich sand. The lower limit for a nugget is 0.3 grams in weight. Smaller nuggets are commonly referred to as gold nuggets or particles.
Grains of gold
Gold without impurities

Why is schlich gold cheap?

Opinion of an expert
Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich
6th class jeweler
Indeed, schlich precious metal is one of the cheapest. It has not yet been purified and includes a considerable amount of impurities, such as copper, silver, and iron. Therefore, it is of no value either for the jewelry industry or for industry.

After the refining procedures, the price of pure gold will increase many times over and will correspond to the price of the highest standard at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia.

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Video: Schlich Gold Mining Process

Prospector's Commentary

Dmitry Dovgopolov
Dmitry Dovgopolov
Ask a question
The precious metal is obtained after washing gold-bearing sands. Such metal needs to be cleaned of impurities to add significantly to its value.
Gold is an inactive element, which facilitates the process of its extraction from the semi-finished product. Of the existing refining methods, the most common among amateur miners is chemical dry refining. It is most often used to refine the material at home.
You should know that in Russia it is forbidden to sell home-refined precious metal.

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